HSPRD Files Federal Lawsuit on Behalf of Daniel Prude’s Children

On March 8, 2021, HSPRD filed a federal lawsuit in the Western District of New York on behalf of the Estate of Daniel Prude and his children. The lawsuit alleges that City of Rochester police officers used excessive force and abusive conduct that resulted in Mr. Prude’s death.  HSPRD’s Matthew Piers, Mark Dym, Elizabeth Mazur and Margaret Truesdale are the attorneys representing the Estate of Mr. Prude along with co-counsel Stephen Schwarz and Adam Ingber.

The lawsuit clams the City of Rochester systemically failed to address police misconduct and failed to provide effective measures to respond to people in mental health distress.

Matthew Piers stressed, that while horrific, what happened to Daniel Prude is not new to Rochester or to the rest of the country.  He went on to state:

“The shocking abuse and killing of Daniel Prude are part of a long and tragic – and completely unacceptable – history in this country of the perpetration of violence on people of color by police officers. Our legal team is honored to be selected to fight for justice in this most important case. We will make sure that the deadly policies and practices of the Rochester police that killed Daniel Prude will receive the attention they deserve and prompt the changes needed not only in Rochester but throughout the nation.” 

A recording of Monday’s virtual news conference can be accessed HERE.
WBEZ Chicago Interview.

Amended Complaint.
Final Report of the Independent Investigation of the City of Rochester’s Response to the Death of Daniel Prude.

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