HSPRD’s Derek Dominguez helps injured roofer recover $335,000 settlement after employer told the roofer there was no insurance available for his injuries.

A roofer was told by his employer and their insurance company that there was no workers’ compensation insurance available for serious injuries he sustained following a fall from a roof due to a “lapse in coverage” issue. The roofer hired a local workers comp attorney who assessed the case and even agreed with the employer and insurance company that there was no insurance available to the roofer for his injuries.

A friend recommended that the roofer call attorney Derek Dominguez at Hughes Socol Piers Resnick & Dym. Derek immediately recognized that the employer and the insurance company were waffling and attempting to skirt their responsibility to pay workers’ compensation benefits to the roofer for his injuries. Derek filed a civil suit against the employer and the insurance company in Cook County chancery court to have a court declare whether or not insurance coverage was available to the roofer. Derek ultimately prevailed and the insurance company immediately began paying for the roofer’s medical bills and workers compensation benefits.  

The roofer and his wife are immensely happy to have found attorney Dominguez, and they look forward to moving on from this difficult chapter in their lives.

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